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Social Utopia

urz-ahmed's github profile

Immerse yourself in a captivating digital realm where creativity flourishes, as a responsive Front End Website built with reactjs and firebase invites users to effortlessly contribute, connect, and engage through content sharing, interactive ratings, and insightful discussions.


Hemant2335's github profile

This is a replica pf other movies platform where you can get details and related details of the Movies and Tv shows

Digital Agency Landing Page

Stroller15's github profile

Build digital media agency landing page template using html, css, javascript.

Restaurant Website

Uzumaki4303's github profile

King of Spices is a responsive restaurant website made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It has menu, about us page & reservation page.


mandliyarajendra11's github profile

calculator is a basic calculation app for arithmetic operation


Harshu467's github profile

A CryptoCurrency reactjs web App which gives information of all cryptocurrency coins.

Sudoku Game

roshan798's github profile

This is a Sudoku game website created using html, css, and javascript.

Fruit Ninja Game

Mukesh751's github profile

This project is a clone of 90s classic Fruit Ninja Game

Book Recommendation System

Sakhi29's github profile

A book recommendation system using content and collaborative filtering based techniques with good frontend using Flask

Toaster Ui

murtazajoo's github profile

Toaster-Ui is a lightweight javascript library that allows you to easily display toast messages in your web application.